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Elgin Convertible "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi All,This is my first experience servicing one of these movements.Done hundreds of others and want to make sure there isn't something different on these that I should know.Thanks.Norm
Posts: 484 | Location: Georgia in the United States | Registered: August 04, 2010
There are quite a few differences. But the main things to be aware of from my experience taking apart 4 of them.

The main shaft goes through a hollow one on the main gear Its attached to that shiny sliver gear in the center.
The canon pinon is hard to remove. I took a small brass hammer and tapped the main shaft out of the pinion it is press fit onto that main shaft mentioned above.
When you take out that little arm going to the shiny wheel above the mainspring there is a tiny little shaft or pin under it that is pushed up when the setting lever is moved. It will just fall out if you tip it over after removing the arm or setting lever and if your not careful you will be searching for it.
You dont have to take that arm apart into two pieces unless you like to do adjustments for no reason.

Make sure to look at the helping hands tutorial
on these before starting as it will give you an idea of the convertible setup.

I'm sure someone else will chime in with more experience. But if not this should be helpful.
Posts: 1143 | Location: Chicago, Illinois in the USA | Registered: September 05, 2010
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