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, by Ralph Rehner (created on )Gallery | Comments 
Picture of Ralph Rehner
Well here I am again staring at a previous persons creativity. Lots of filler, hot glue, nails, bad paint job and twisted wood. The upper segmented ring has partially come apart and the rest is nailed into more of an oval than a circle. The worry of ruining something is not an issue since this has already been accomplished previously. A restoration is in order with a bit of personal touch. Removing all the adhesives and paint is the first order of business in the lumber department. Next evaluation is the engine.
Posts: 89 | Location: Brunswick, Ohio USA | Registered: January 17, 2003
IHC Member 155
Bulova Watchmaker

Picture of Rich Kuhn
I had the pleasure of seeing this clock case all the way through the restoration process. Pictures do not tell the story of how bad this clock looked. The amount of work to bring this case and dial back to what you see was huge and Ralph did an outstanding job.
Posts: 896 | Location: New Jersey in the USA | Registered: December 16, 2002
It must have been hard Ralph to look at this clock and see what others did to it in the past.You always work our magic in your projects and come out after wards with something that is breathtaking.
Very , very nice clock.Great pics and thanks for sharing your projects with us.
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
Picture of Ralph Rehner
Yes it is hard doing the first look; but is it really much different than when you first crack open a watch and see a previous persons mischief?? If the case on a watch is trashed, one usually comes across a decent replacement down the road. Not so easy with clocks. Now choices come into play. In the case of Brighton, give the poor thing some dignity was my solution. I'm sure we've all seen our share of clocks that have wasted away in America, but because this clock probably spent most of it's life in India...the scars and ravages of time are much different. I can honesty say they sure have a lot more critter varities that like to chew on them and set up houskeeping.
Posts: 89 | Location: Brunswick, Ohio USA | Registered: January 17, 2003
Picture of Tom Seymour
The movement was not in much better condition than the case. There was a short tooth on the escape wheel. A replacement could not be found, so the tooth was stretched as much as safely possible. The wheel was then put on the lathe and put to round. The pallet faces were worn, and with the change in size of the escape wheel, the depthing had to be adjusted.

Four lantern pinions has to be rebuilt. A tricky addition was one of the lantern pinion wires extended beyond the cap and turned the count wheel. A bit too long and it would hit the plate, too short and it would miss the countwheel.
There was a great deal of rust on the steel parts. A visit to Ralph's shop and some time with the microsandblaster took care of that.

Bushings, of course. One element that caused a bit of trouble, was the springs used on the strike train to hold down the lifting and locking wires. They were interferring with the going train. I relplaced the wires and things were fine.

The lifting and locking wires were bent into shaped that guaranteed that this thing would never strike. Getting them back in shape was a fun puzzle.

There were several interesting/unusual about this movement. One was the near lack of end shake on a couple of the arbors. I thought this may have been the cause of initial problems, but it turned out to be the pesky wire springs on the strike train.

Pictures of the movement before work was done are hiding somewhere. I am seeking them out. I will post a picture of the completed movement soon.


Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
Here is Brighton's movement. Running and striking well and keeping good time.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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