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Southern Cal. Clock. Co. FASHION #4 "Click" to Login or Register 
, by Tom Seymour (created on )Gallery | Comments 
Picture of Tom Seymour
An inside look at one of the great clocks. The Fashion. There are many variations and models of Fashion clocks. These were made by the Southern Calendar Clock Company and used movements from Seth Thomas, and others.

The #4 Fashion is very popular model. That is a great looking clock, thank you for sharing it. I always wondered how those little clock elves knew it was leap year. Now I know, mystery solved.

Thanks for the images, they look great. Our last chapter 17 meeting feature was a talk by our own chapter 17 members on these clocks. I believe that James Eller and Bud Fauncette(sp) had an example of almost every variation on display....

I am not 'really' a clock guy but sure enjoyed seeing and learning...
Very nice presentation Tom.

Thank you!
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