Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct for the IHC185™ Discussion Site:

Internet Horology Club 185™ is a Non-Profit Educational Organization founded in May of 2002 operating under the laws of the State of Ohio and the United States of America. We are the independent, non-affiliated, always polite and "Family-Friendly" place for Watch and Clock Collectors, the worlds only truly independent watch and clock club. You can join us and participate fully in the Internet Horology Club 185™ for a $25.00 annual donation without having to be a member of any other group or association.

Every user accepts and agrees to comply with the following Terms of Service and Rules of Conduct:

We cannot always guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any posting and we are not responsible for content. All postings on the IHC185 Discussion Site™ express the views of the author, not necessarily those of the Internet Horology Club 185, any officer or appointee thereof, any other person or entity. Due to the real-time nature of our site, it is not possible for us to review every posting or confirm the validity of all information before it appears. Anyone who objects to a posting or the content thereof is encouraged to contact us as soon as possible at "ihc185@roadrunner.com" which is our eMail address. We have the ability to remove objectionable postings and we will make every effort to take appropriate action and to do so within a reasonable period of time, once we determine that removal is necessary or advisable. However this is a manual process, so please realize we may not be able to edit or delete a posting immediately.

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BY USE OF THIS SERVICE AND AS A PARTICIPANT in the Internet Horology Club 185 Discussion Site™ you assume full responsibility for the content of your material, statements, opinions and actions. Each individual participant is entirely responsible for their stated positions and opinions thereby assuming sole responsibility for any and all civil damages or liabilities which might result therefrom. You agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false or defamatory, inflammatory, inaccurate, abusive, disruptive, harmful, hateful, harassing, offensive, vulgar, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, injurious of others, invasive of privacy, or otherwise violative of any law or civil tort. You will refrain from comments or references to links about religion, race, ethnicity, gender bias, sexual orientation, or political differences. Everyone is treated with dignity and respect, no personal attacks will be tolerated. References to adverse third parties may be edited or deleted. Assumed names, false identities or the use of another person's log-in and password are unacceptable practices. Administration and Management reserve the right to move, remove, edit or delete any material as well as the right to limit, moderate or bar participation without prior notification or explanation.

YOU UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THAT PARTICIPATION IS A PRIVILEGE, not a right and will at all times and in all situations abide by the decisions of Internet Horology Club 185 Discussion Site Administration and Management as final. By use of this service you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Internet Horology Club 185, their agents, assignees, officers, administrators and management with respect to any and all claims based upon any issue relating to your registration, posting, participation or membership in Internet Horology Club 185™ and the IHC185™ Discussion Site in any manner whatsoever. We may consider unauthorized advertisements and solicitations as well as negative product references to be inappropriate and reserve the right to edit or delete them at our discretion.

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All our IHC185 Trade Marks, Titles, Logos, Names, Descriptions of Categories and Forums we use on this site and elsewhere including but not limited to "Internet Horology Chapter 185" and "World-Wide Local Chapter" as well as "Internet Horology Club 185" and "World-Wide Watch and Clock Club" and "IHC185" or "ihc185" individually or combined with any other letters or symbols and "Our On-Line Meeting Never Ends" and "The Always Polite and Family-Friendly Place for Watch and Clock Collectors" and "Always Friendly, Always Moving Forward" and "Discussion Site" particularly when used in relation to watch and clock collecting, preservation, buying, selling or trading or any other subjects of collector interest in any manner whatsoever are the property of Internet Horology Club 185™ (prior to 2007 known as the Internet Horology Chapter 185™) and World-Wide Trade-Mark and other Ownership Rights are hereby asserted and protected. All Intellectual Property and Images appearing on the Internet Horology Club 185 Discussion Site™ in any form or format are Ownership and Copyright Protected World-Wide. Unauthorized use of any material or any re-posting on another venue by any third party without specific written permission is strictly prohibited.

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Entire Site and Content ©2002-2025 Internet Horology Club 185™ - Lindell V. Riddle Founder and President - All Rights Reserved Worldwide