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A "Plain GI Elgin" "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Here is a photo of a USAAC Elgin Type A-13 that was subsequently issued to a United Airlines crew. (another story for another time) You will notice that the font for the U.S. ARMY A.C. is different and not as heavily struck as the rest of the markings. This is very typical. I also have in my collection an USAAC Elgin Up-Down pocket watch that was subsequently issued to a Pan American Airlines crew. It too has the same U.S. ARMY A.C. movement markings made in the same manner. I'll need to dig up that photo and post here as well. From comparing the photo of your watch to my examples, it appears that the markings are the same.

Here are two other examples. The markings are very hard to see due to the fact that they are not as heavily stamped. This one is stamped U.S. ARMY like your's.

And another... this one stamped U.S. ARMY A.C. in the same font as your's.

Hope this helps.


James D.
Posts: 101 | Location: San Antonio, Texas in the USA  | Registered: July 25, 2006
IHC Life Member
Picture of David Abbe
Thank You Thank You, that vindicates what I was saying at the beginning. I believe Elgin did the markings, and in fact your watch is only 510 away from mine by s/n so they are most likely out of the same Elgin marked "run".

Regarding stamping or engraving, I still feel these were engraved in a non-destructive way to safely identify a finished movement. in the 1960's when I was manufacturing Radar equipment in Cambridge, Mass (right down the river from Waltham) I used precision diamond pantograph engraving sysems much the same as Waltham used,. In fact they may have been "used" W.W.Co. machines.
Posts: 6492 | Location: Southern California in the USA | Registered: July 19, 2007
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Picture of Greg Crockett
Has anyone seen any other 7 Jewel Elgins marked like David's?

BTW - The case is similar to those purchased for watches sold to England in WWII. But the movements in the English contract were made in the early 1940's and did not have U.S. Army markings.

Best regards,
Posts: 2044 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
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