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Matricola Militare, how are the numbers assigned? "Click" to Login or Register 
Matricola Militare or Military numbers are assigned to Italian military equipment. This is usually marked on items such as watches as MM XXXXXX
I have seen Italian timepieces marked with a MM and a serial number.
Could someone explain how the MM works?
Is it a like a serial number or a Part number from the Italian authorities point of view?
If it is like a part number is there a database etc that you can look them up?
Posts: 58 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand | Registered: February 28, 2005
Hi Craig,

that M.M. 6 digits number stamped on the back of the Airforce assigned watches is an incremental serial number.
It had a mean usage before Italy joined the Nato code system when the watches were dispatched for repair.
Instead the p/n is usually a group of letters and numbers.
Until the '80 the watches were bought by Gvmt and assigned to pilots on personal loan therefore charged and discharged .
Since then it has changed and pilots procure their own watches.
The last assigned was the Lemania with the 5100 mvmt.
There were discussions lately in the Airforce to go back to the old system but I havent heard of progresses.
There is no database of M.M. serials avlb that i know of despite i have been searching it through the Gvmt since ever.
Generally speaking by reading it is possible to understand which type of watch it was assigned to but nobody had never
cared to put it on a chart format. I may try to do it sometimes.
You can see an example of a M.M. on the attchd link:
Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
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