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Elgin BW Raymond grade 544 "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Steven D. Jencso
I am trying to find some information on the Elgin BW Raymond grade 544 military movement. There were only 200 of these movements mfg'd.

From the information I have been able to find, most of these watches have a wind indicator but some have been seen that are non-wind indicator.

Does anyone know (approximately) how many of these would have been WI vs. non-WI? Would the movements that are non-WI have been delivered this way from the factory?

Thanks for any info.
Posts: 266 | Location: Dover, New Hampshire U.S.A. | Registered: February 14, 2005
Picture of Steven D. Jencso
One additional request, if you have an Elgin BWR Grade 544, can you please the serial number, whether it is a Wind-Indicator or a non-WI, and if the movement has government/military markings (e.g. US Army AC).

Posts: 266 | Location: Dover, New Hampshire U.S.A. | Registered: February 14, 2005
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