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Question for the experts regarding Gruen during WWII. "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Life Member
Any idea why Gruen didn't make any issued watches for the US during WWII? I know they made some precision electrical devices but no watches.


Posts: 101 | Location: San Antonio, Texas in the USA  | Registered: July 25, 2006

The conventional wisdom has always been that the war in Europe made the supply of Swiss movements unpredictable at best, unobtainable at worst. This made it impossible for them to guarantee delivery of complete watches, and thus they couldn't meet the terms of the military contracts. Gruen watches were sometimes available for private purchase through the PX system, but they never did have a contract for a service issue watch.

Instead, Gruen did all sorts of things to support the war effort, providing aircraft gauges, electrical meters and gauges for all sorts of vehicles, millions of timed artillery fuses, an early ultra-sound type of medical device, and tool kits for maintenance of precision equipment. They were considered an essential industry, and worked on extended shifts for much of the war.

Gruen also extended generous leave to all employees who left for war service, and routinely sent Christmas gifts to those in the service, and Gruen President Benjamin Katz served on the War Planning Board in Washington.

Best regards,

Posts: 267 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama USA | Registered: December 12, 2005
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