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Roamer anfibio "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1063
Recently purchased this watch with RA2675 engraved on the back. Some believe that this watch was one of those issued by the controversial Rhodesian Army during the 70's. Any opinions?

Posts: 242 | Location: Massachusetts in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2008

I don't know enough to say one way or the other, but from the examples I have seen of watches with these engravings they seem to be fairly crudely done which always makes think how easy it would be for almost any unscrupulous person to add such an engraving to get a higher price for an otherwise somewhat ordinary watch. Also, I have not noticed a scarcity of these on the market whcih makes me wonder whether some are being made up for the purpose of selling. Does your watch have some good solid provenance?

As for the Rhodesian Army being described as controversial, I have spent some time traveling in other countries including a number of African countries and from my experience I would describe every Army in every country there - both current and past - as "controversial." While I agree completely that the old Rhodesian Army had some serious issues that warrants the adjective of controversial, when comparing them to many of the other current and former armies in the various countries there I think they look like a bunch of tea sipping school marms. For example - the current Zimbabwe Army that took over from the old Rhodesia Army and enforce Robert Mugabe's continuing reign of terror there against their own citizens for the past 20 years; the Rwanda Army and the Burundi Army that both engaged in the genocide in a combined number in the millions of civilians in there in their own countries; the current Janjaweed Army of western Sudan who every day attack civilians with rape, torture, large scale massacre, etc.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
IHC Member 1063

I couldn't agree more. I seem to recall that the Rhodesian army was heavily supplemented by mercenaries. I'll have to do some research. Will put up pictures.

Posts: 242 | Location: Massachusetts in the USA | Registered: February 07, 2008
My understanding was that Army recruited from other countries, but that the men were sworn in as regular soldiers in the Rhodesian Army and not hired under contracts as actual mercenaries. I suppose that is a fine point, but then one would have to look in the same light at other countries who have hired foreigners to serve in their armies (the French Foreign Legion, the Lafayette Escadrille, the Flying Tigers, etc.) It is a slippery slope.

All of that aside, I fully agree that the old Rhodesian army was quite controversial but no more so than their replacement - the Zimbabwe Defence Forces. As I said, I think pretty much every army on that continent has shown it has some serious issues - each in their own ways.

I would love to see your watch if you can post some photos of it.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
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