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Early Hamilton Model 22 dating and production questions "Click" to Login or Register 
Greetings all,

February 26th 1941 Hamilton Watch Company agreed to deliver a prototype marine chronometer to the USNO for time trials and one year later they delivered two prototypes for review. It of course was a success. Was this the Model 21 or 22 that was delivered?

When was the Model 22 engineered? At the same time with the model 21?

I am a little confused on the time frames when the different model’s engineering started, actual production started and actual delivery times when these timepiece made their way into our military. There are many conflicting stories.

What makes me more confused is my new Model 22 is dated “1941” on the movement plate. It has a low serial number of 2F029. Was this piece made during the “research and engineering phase” as compared to the main production phase believed in 1942? This is the first Model 22 I have seen with a “1941” date on the movement. Does the date on the movement reflect the “contract” date or “actually manufacture” date for these timepieces? Can someone shed more light on this 22 and when it was produced?

Hamilton Ledgers have this particular example finished on 7/7/42 and sold 7/8/42 to the US Government (64-0185) but this entry was then crossed out. It was then sold on 11/12/42 to an unknown buyer. This was also crossed out and finally sold again to the US Government on 3/11/43 (64-7672). Can anyone help me here?

Posts: 497 | Location: Southcoast Massachusetts | Registered: May 13, 2010
Back case with N.O. serial number.

Posts: 497 | Location: Southcoast Massachusetts | Registered: May 13, 2010
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