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Hanhart Information Request "Click" to Login or Register 
Hanhart Information Request

I have an old single pusher Hanhart with rotating bezel and have been looking for more information about it. It has a black dial with a K M under the 12 and Hanhart above the 6. The outside of the face has a white scale with a red scale inside it. The back of the watch is stamped or engraved with the german eagle on a swastika with the letter M below it. Also on the back is the number 335. The movement is stamped 112241. How can you determine the date of manufacture for these watches? Any information appreciated.
Posts: 4 | Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: November 29, 2005
Hallo Hugh,
i read your post.
Would you contact me at enzo001@flashnet.it for further infos?
tnks rgds
Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
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Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
Hello, Hugh. Thank you for dropping in.

As Enzo will tell you, your watch is a desireable Kreigsmarine (Navy) issue chronograph of WWII vintage.

According to Konrad Knirim, in his book MILITARY TIMEPIECES, watches such as yours, with the inner red telemeter scale, were developed for U-Boat captains, allthough they latter preferred pocket chronographs. Konrad states further that these watches were also issued to Kreigsmarine pilots.

Unfortunately, I do not have information regarding the exact year your watch was made; within the span of 1939-1945, I would think it is an early one.

Best regards,

Posts: 2026 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
I thank Greg for his post, i could not say more, and i just would like to add that the back of the dial will tell you with good approximation, provided that the dial was not replaced, the mfg date of your watch and the Mfg code.
I attach a pic as an example.(i.e. 10.3.43)
My compliments for your watch!

Hanhart Kreigsmarine dial back
Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
Is this what your Hanhart looks like?
Thanks, Joe
Posts: 10 | Location: Austin, Texas USA | Registered: September 03, 2005
Thanks Joe, that is the watch. I will post a couple of pictures when I get some close ups and figure out how to post them to this site.
Posts: 4 | Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: November 29, 2005
congratulations to you both, This is one of two or three that has eluded me so far. I believe that the one pusher version should be no later than 1942 with 1940-41 being most probable
Posts: 132 | Location: London/London/England | Registered: December 13, 2004
A picture of the clock face.

Posts: 4 | Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: November 29, 2005
A picture of the back of the watch.

Posts: 4 | Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: November 29, 2005
IHC Member 478
Hallo friends of German Military Timepieces,

here is a photo of the Hanhart Kriegsmarine chrongraph and an Acrobat file of the other Kriegsmarine wrist watches of WWII.

. Gruesse/Regards/Salute K o n r a d K n i r i m
. konrad.knirim@t-online.de
. http://www.knirim.de

Hanhart KM
Posts: 85 | Location: Duesseldorf Germany | Registered: March 08, 2005
IHC Member 478
Sorry, here is the pdf...
Posts: 85 | Location: Duesseldorf Germany | Registered: March 08, 2005
Life Achievement
Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
Many thanks, Konrad.

For those who have not yet obtained a copy of Konrad's book (which is in German and English), I can only say that you are missing the leading corner stone of military timepiece research. It's packed - from 19th century chronometers, through WWI, WWII, right through and including modern East and West German military time pieces. There is something for everyone. (and, no, I don't have stock in his publishing house Big Grin).

Best regards,

Greg Crockett
Posts: 2026 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
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