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Bravington's GSTP "Click" to Login or Register 
I have seen around, and actually bought one, Bravington's GSTP carrying on the back their mark.
I have not seen GSTP with other makers' marks on the back: I guess there is a reason for it, but I would like to know your knowledgeable opinios.
Thanks a lot

Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
Bravington's was not a watch manufacturer - they were a British jewelry company that sold military surplus such as watches after the war.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
Hi, Jim.
Sure, Bravington was (they went in receivership in 2007) a London based jewelier, with a long history, more than a hundred years, and I think that they sold to British soldiers too not just surplus. Incidentally this watch doesn't have the "S" sold-out-of-service mark, so I wonder if you could sell it officially, putting even your mark on, as a surplus. The movement is a Unitas 235.
Posts: 277 | Location: Cardano al Campo in Italy | Registered: March 29, 2008
Good question and I wish I knew the answer.

Do you know the meaning of the XX on the back of this one. I see it fairly often on GSTPs. Is that some kind of sold out of service marking or is it something else?
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
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