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Help with Valuation of a Kieninger & Obergfell ships clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Hi there folks I have been tasked with possibly selling a Kieninger & Obergfell ships clock that My Grandfather brought home from the second world war .





Could anyone perhaps give me an idea on value AND the most suitable place to offer it for sale .

It keeps good time (Though hasn't been used on a regular basis for some time) And is in nice condition mounted on a hard wood plinth that was made for it just after my Grandfathers return from WWII .
Apparently it was originally painted matt black though that was removed around the same time it was mounted on the plinth .

Many thanks folks .

Posts: 3 | Location: Ashton Under Lyne in the United Kingdom | Registered: March 19, 2012
IHC Member 1335
Picture of Tom Brunton
It's a shame you weren't told what ship it was taken off !! My moms first cousin was torpedoed and killed in action on the battleship HMS Royal Oak in Scapa Flow,Scotland, and her uncle,my granny's brother in the merchant marine ship SS Baron Dechmont of Ardrossan sunk off the coast of Brazil,a long,long way from his Moray Firth home.. As well, her brother was bombed and killed by dive bombers in the Thames Estuary while at the helm of the British minesweeper Fleming H3. If I can afford it,I'll be interested Wink
Posts: 1746 | Location: Aylmer, Ontario in Canada | Registered: December 15, 2009
IHC Member 1335
Picture of Tom Brunton
and if I can't I'll still be interested !!! Wink
Posts: 1746 | Location: Aylmer, Ontario in Canada | Registered: December 15, 2009
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Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
A rather fine example of the type. If I wanted to sell something like this - and not have the other relatives questioning me about it's "real value" - I would list it on eBay. There is a big collector following for these things. And I'm in line with Tom as far as wanting to buy it. Thus, I will suggest that you do a search on eBay of sold items and see what Nazi Krigsmarine clocks have gone for in the last 6 months. That will give you an idea of the value.
Posts: 2026 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
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