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Ulysee Nardin Marine Chronometer "Click" to Login or Register 
A customer brought this in to me at my booth in the antique store. His intent is to sell it, and he asked me to check it out for function. I was trying to find a listing for Ulysee Nardin marine chronometer serial numbers, but most responses to my internet search turned out to be for watches. Does anyone have information on or a lead to where I can find information?

Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
When I turned it over to wind it, I found this which I would guess means that it saw service during the time of Nazi Germany. The movement may have been made earlier. So I am trying to find a the actual date of this chronometer.

Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
Ken, try popping off a letter with pics here

International Technical Service
Ulysse Nardin
CH-2400 Le Locle
Tel: +41 32 930 74 00
Fax: +41 32 930 74 19
Posts: 45 | Location: New York State in the USA | Registered: October 25, 2016
Ken, I had excellent response from contact with this person. He is Julien Lovis and can be reached at: jlovis@ulysse-Nardin.ch
Posts: 317 | Location: Florida in the USA | Registered: December 07, 2009
Eric, Paul thank you both for your suggestions. I will follow up on them and report back what I find.
Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
I am sure the company can provide you with some good information. If you would like more detail on German ships chronometers and other German military timepieces there is a definitive reference book on the full range of timepieces used by the German military that was a labor of love by Dr. Konrad Knirim: German Military Timepieces; 150 Years Watches and Clocks of German Forces ISBN 3-89355-232-4 You can buy this huge reference book from him directly at his website http://www.knirim.de/ueberse.htm Konrad is a member of this forum he stops by once in a while as well.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
I received this response from Julien Lovis
"According to our archives, your ship chronometer was made in 1944 and sold to Deutsche Seewarte, Gesundbrünnen.
Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
Picture of Matthew E. Sutton

The Deutsche Seewarte (German Naval Observatory), Hamburg was founded in 1878. It was responsible for making marine observations and geomagnetic observations. Gesundbrunnen is in Northern Berlin, and perhaps operations in Hamburg moved there in 1944. After the Second World War the operations were merged into German Hydrographic Institute, which was renamed the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency in 1990.
Posts: 495 | Location: Kailua, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: March 14, 2005
Matthew, thanks for the info.
Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
Picture of Bruce Byrd
Ken, did you run it at all? Curious if you timed it.

Bruce Byrd
Posts: 888 | Location: San Diego, California USA | Registered: December 27, 2002
I have run the clock. It is slightly out of beat, but came in about 10 seconds slow over 24 hours.
Posts: 353 | Location: Nichols, New York in the USA | Registered: April 04, 2010
Hi Ken -- Is this chronometer for sale?

Regards -- Chris

Chris Hooper
Posts: 1 | Location: Ohio in the USA | Registered: January 08, 2018
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Posts: 5424 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
IHC Member 478
Hallo friends,
I own a similar Ulysse Nardin chronometer no 5264 used by the German Kriegsmarine in WWII M-no 1848. (see att, page from my book)
And att. is a page with numbers of Ulysse Nardin chronometers and deck watches.

. Gruesse/Regards/Salute Konrad Knirim
PS: Have a look at my books on Military Timepieces:
. http://www.knirim.de

Posts: 85 | Location: Duesseldorf Germany | Registered: March 08, 2005
IHC Member 2030
Thank you for sharing your collecting information.
Very impressive and comprehensive .
I agree that it is the people you meet that make the hobby so satisfying .
Did the German military record the assigned vessel for each timepiece ?

Posts: 1119 | Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia in the USA | Registered: February 08, 2015
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