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Wrong mfg serial number for original Israeli submarines chronometer. "Click" to Login or Register 

Though the chronometer shown in the above ebay listing appears to be a nice example of a Thomas Mercer chronometer it was, in my opinion, not issued in 1959 to either of the two “S” class submarines mentioned in the EBAY write-up. According to my information, the Submarines INS Tanin and Rahav were both decommissioned shortly after the 1967 “Six Day War” which—according to published serial numbers-- was probably before that particular Mercer chronometer was manufactured. Nevertheless, it still looks to be a very nice military artifact; just out of my price range.
Posts: 88 | Location: Brunswick, Georgia in the USA | Registered: February 13, 2011
What is also interesting about these is that one was sold off to an eBay buyer a couple of weeks ago who was buying up all the Elgin/Waltham 2/8 day movements and other ship chronometer/deck watch type items.

This seller before he took the offer, had three of these available, then it went down to two (post the sale with the guy above). Now it has been re-listed at three available, something fishy going on here.

I did make an offer about 9 months ago on these, as they are way over priced, but the seller was a bit difficult to deal with. Having had this experience and now seeing the 3 then 2 then 3, combined with the serial number issue, I'm simply going to forget about these. They are neat, but too risky in my book.....
Posts: 102 | Location: Houston, Texas in the USA | Registered: September 26, 2009
Konrad Knirim posted these Mercers at the end of this thread; Mercer

My WWW collection is now complete, time to look for new ventures!
Posts: 699 | Location: Hannover in Germany | Registered: July 23, 2009
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