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Jaeger LeCoultre "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Skip Glascock
Can anyone vertify the year of this clock based on the attached? or lead me to a referrence?

Thanks in advance.

Posts: 240 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: August 26, 2011
Picture of Skip Glascock

Posts: 240 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: August 26, 2011
Picture of Skip Glascock

Posts: 240 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: August 26, 2011
What is printed near the center on the dial in black (or blind stamped into the dial}? Also, on the back, can you make out the first three letters on the white paint stamp near the top - the second three letters are NAS but what are the first three letters? The letters NAS stand for "Naval Air Station". The first three letters would indicate which one. This stamp marked in white paint typically means that the clock was serviced and/or put in storage by Navy clockmakers at the indicated Air Station at some point in its life.

The 24 hour with civil date dial on this one indicates that it is the third model Chronoflite making it one of the later ones though not as late as your post war one that you posted about earlier. The earliest, the first model Chronoflites, began in 1930.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
Picture of Skip Glascock
Thanks again Jim, Had to send this one back, the date didn't advance and to service would have cost far too much. So, the other is the only one I have of this type, but all the knobs are wrong making this one very hard to set the elasped timer but once set it works,

Jim thanks again

Posts: 240 | Location: Maryland in the USA | Registered: August 26, 2011
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