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Hamilton Model 22 Chronometer "Click" to Login or Register 
I recently purchased a Model 22 chronometer. I don't know when it was serviced last and would like to have it cleaned and regul;ated. Can anyone recommned some one that can do this? The jeweler that does all of my watch repairs says that he can't do anything with it because the movement is too big for his cleaning machine.

Joe Pentecost
Posts: 1 | Location: Owens Cross Roads, Alabama USA | Registered: May 16, 2006
Picture of Matthew E. Sutton

I heard he was good with Hamilton chronometers, however, I have not yet done business with him.
Posts: 495 | Location: Kailua, Hawaii in the USA | Registered: March 14, 2005

I've had several recommendations for the Chronometer Shop in Elizabethton, TN. Email is pivotmeister@hotmail.com. Phone is 1-423-543-5611. I've talked to them, and they seem to know what they're about, but I haven't used them.

I'd have thought the parts of a Model 22 weren't that much bigger than those of a regular watch, unless he just dunks the whole movement, in which case you're lucky he can't handle it.

Good luck,

Posts: 153 | Location: Northeastern United States | Registered: December 18, 2005
Does your jeweler just dunk a movement in his ultrasonic bath and call it a cleaning? Shudder. That may be okay for old dollar watches or a modern day disposable wrist watch but a fine watch, especially something like a chronometer, really needs a correct cleaning which means a complete disassembly of everything and each part getting cleaned and inspected and if necessary some of them getting replaced. If this process is not done then you will not get all of the dirt and old oil out of the movement and everytime you run it there will be more and more wear from this abrasive sludge.

A real watch cleaning and adjustment isn't cheap since there are so few watchmakers left with the skills to do this on complicated watch movements such as yours and you are paying for many hours of one of these expert's time. By comparison think how much it would cost you to have a plumber or electrician come to your house for about eight hours, plus the cost of parts, to fix something complicated, and then consider that skilled watchmakers are far more rare.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
There is nothing special about cleaning a model 22 chronometer watch. The parts, should they be needed, are bit pricey, but otherwise it is an easy watch to do. In fact the military overhaul handbook is still around, and it spells out the process in great detail. Anyone who does antique watches can do it. As with any vintage watches, it is hard to find someone who will take the time to do it right. Once your find such a person, use him for all your watches.

Find out who overhauls vintage watches and who also loves them enough to do the job right. Just sitting with members at dinner, you hear some members talk about how fast they can clean a watch or how much money they made on a watch, while others talk about how much time they spent bringing a basket case watch back to life and completely restored. When you find someone, ask them how they clean a watch. If you do not like their answer, then run away from them.

Posts: 173 | Location: Columbia, Pennsylvania U.S.A. | Registered: July 13, 2004
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