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Help with research on a Chronometer "Click" to Login or Register 
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

We received a request for information about this chronometer.

I have attached 4 images that came with their eMail asking for any details.

Thank you!

Image #1

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Image #2

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Image #3

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Image #4

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
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Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
H.S. stands for Hydrographic Service. H.S.3 is the Royal Navy code for a deck watch, adjusted for isochronism in a minimum of 2 positions. A deck watch would be checked against the time of the ships master navigation chronometer, which was not to be moved. A deck watch would then be used to check the position of the ship with a sextant or to walk about the ship setting the various timepieces to the correct time.

This particular deck watch is most likely of World War two vintage. Many of these timepieces were sent to the Royal Navy chronometer facility for service in the post war era. It's interesting that the watch does not have a post-war NATO issue code on the back of the case.
Posts: 2045 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Thank you Greg!!

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Is it possible to put a value on this chronometer?

Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
Life Achievement
Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
I have seen a wide range of prices on these timepieces, as posted on-line. From $650.00 to $1,500.00, with the lower prices tending to sell and the higher prices going unsold for many months. There is one on eBay right now for $650.00 but it does not work and it does not include the wooden box. I think one in good working order with the box would sell for around $1,000.00.
Posts: 2045 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine


Greatly appreciate your response!


Posts: 5477 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
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