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A Memorial Day Salute "Click" to Login or Register 
Life Achievement
Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
In times of unity and controversy, to all who have served and are serving, those who came home and those who did not, to those who are or have counted the hours till their return, we thank you for your service and sacrifices to Liberty.


Greg Crockett
Chapter 185
Posts: 2026 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
IHC President
Life Member
Picture of Lindell V. Riddle

Well said Greg!

Heartfelt Salutations on this important day...

Earlier today I was honored to speak at the Memorial Day observation in my local community. Passing a Hamilton 4992B among those gathered allowed me to share its historical significance. It was really something to see the tears well up in the eyes of WWII Veterans when I spoke of the sacrifices of their generation and how these watches played a big role in preserving the freedom so many of us take for granted today.

A retired municipal judge from our area was especially moved and while holding my watch in his trembling hand he stepped forward and shared the story of how he and his Navy Buddies spent several days on a life raft after their ship was torpedoed and sunk. They had little more than a compass, a radio and their Hamilton 4992B without which they would have perished. He had not seen one of these in over 60 years but immediately recognized it, explaining how much it meant to him to hold the watch and how it helped him relate the events of their eventual rescue. It was deeply moving to hear this man in his eighties speak of heroism in a way that few of us today can even begin to comprehend.

My friends, we are but caretakers of these important historical objects. We occasionally have opportunities to share our knowledge and love of timepieces with others. Sometimes we might touch a heart or bring back a memorable event in the process, today was such a time for me.

Saluting all who have sacrificed to preserve our feeedom.

Warmest Regards,


Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
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Picture of Edward L. Parsons, Jr.
Nice story Lin, very fitting sentiments for this holiday of remembrance.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004
Picture of Kenny Drafts
I too, salute all who have served this great cause of freedom in times of war and in times of peace!

These WWll era watches are veterans and survivers of a time unparalelled in history. I cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonderment when I hold my 21j, B. W. Raymond marked "U. S. Army Air Corps". Who carried it? I can only dream of the places it`s been and the missions it`s been on. With it`s worn case and aged, braided leather fob it has character and class that means much more to me than any other watch in my collection.


Posts: 359 | Location: Lexington, South Carolina USA | Registered: July 28, 2003
Picture of Jessica Lane
I'd also add my salute. C-span had a truly disturbing, but important, interview segment with some of the veterans who've been injured in Iraq.

These people truly are heroes, and I hope they will receive the support over the years that they deserve.

Posts: 834 | Location: New York, New York U.S.A. | Registered: September 06, 2003
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