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Avricoste Spirotechnique French Navy Issue diver "Click" to Login or Register 
I just got this the other day been some time since I got some thing military.It's a Avricoste Spirotechnique that was a issue diver to the French Navy has a ETA 2824,25 jewel movement.It did not have the decom paper's that some have I got it off of a long time MWR forum meber from France that said he got it from a good source it's the real deal.Never been rip of there yet at that forum from the few I bought there.Here is a site about the french Navy diver's.
And another site that has a lot of info on this watch and if you never checked out this site check out his other watches dam I wish I had his collection.
Here are some photo's.

At scubawatch he has a bracelet on his I just mite have to go to Otto Frie's to day and find something close it look's good on his.
Posts: 523 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 23, 2008
Look at the crazy price this one sold for.Now I know I got a deal.
Posts: 523 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 23, 2008
I have this watch that |I bought retail in Alberta in 198? from as retail store in Calgary,AB. It has been the best watch that \I have ever had, I have a large wrist and worked hard back then my watch shows signs of wear is the writing on the back of the case is almost worn off and the dial the smaller writing such as the name is faded but |I have the original stainless bracelet. \I was wondering what they are worth these days? Tom REED
Posts: 1 | Location: Olds, Alberta in Canada | Registered: May 01, 2010
The one's with Military marking and decom paper's go for the most money.Civilian one's go for less.And it depends on the condition of the watch for what they are worth.From 300.00 to that crazy price on ebay of 1700.00 that was in great shape with decom paper's just the military marks and those paper's make the value go up.
Posts: 523 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 23, 2008
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