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Elgin Star Dial Series all 5 Dials. "Click" to Login or Register 
I know a lot of you guys like Elgin so I'm going to share my favorite Elgin dial.
I have to give credit to Stan,some of these are his.
It took me a while but I have all 5,hope you like them.

Posts: 10 | Location: Florida in the USA | Registered: August 24, 2014
IHC Member 2030
Nice progression, very attractive. Are the lugs soldiered inside the case? Can you get a pic of the lug wire size, material and method?
Thanks for sharing.
Posts: 1119 | Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia in the USA | Registered: February 08, 2015
Thank you,these cases were made as wristwatch cases,these are not converted from pocket watches cases.
The lugs seemed to be soldered to the case,the lug wire size(thickness)varies from 1.20mm to 2.20mm and range from 10mm to 16mm wide were the strap goes.
Most of these cases are nickel some are silver.
Here is a picture of a Philadelphia nickel case to give you an idea.

Here is another picture showing the watch in the TM-575 US technical manual.

Here is the same watch in an Illinois semi-hermetic case(threaded)nickel case.
Posts: 10 | Location: Florida in the USA | Registered: August 24, 2014
IHC Member 2030
Nice, thanks again
Posts: 1119 | Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia in the USA | Registered: February 08, 2015
Nice. I have a couple of these that I enjoy wearing.
Posts: 785 | Location: Tijeras, New Mexico USA | Registered: July 12, 2005
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