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Elgin canteen restoration thread "Click" to Login or Register 
Starting a thread, that I'll add to during progress of building an Elgin BUShips from scratch basically. All started with the case of course. Dial, hands, stem/crown are on their way, plus a movement dust cover (thanks Mike!). Temporarily purchased an Elgin 647 movement (unfortunately not an "E" movement), but will purchase a 539 calibre movement if I can find/easily obtain one without stripping it out of an A-11.

Unfortunately the crystal has been changed at some point. It's acrylic, held in with some glue of some sort. So I need to find a suitable glass/mineral crystal too now. (anyone have/know where to get?)

Last item I'll need is the external crown/cover with chain. The one original I know of available, I just can't afford at moment. Am considering a reproduction part (along lines of the Zeno canteen watch), assuming the quality/fit might be workable.

More pics to come as this progresses!


Posts: 29 | Location: Milton, Ontario in Canada | Registered: May 23, 2006
Glad that dust cover I sent you worked.Let me know if that zeno screw cap and chain worked as a replacement I saw that post at another forum you just mite get a complete watch.
Posts: 523 | Location: Northern California in the USA | Registered: November 23, 2008
Thanks again Mike! Yes, am hoping the threading on the Zeno cap works. I think that might be the only concern. The Zeno cap is almost exact to the original otherwise.

Posts: 29 | Location: Milton, Ontario in Canada | Registered: May 23, 2006
Received the Zeno cap/cover today. It looks like it will work as a replacement, but only if I can re-thread the threading in it to match the case. There seems like there may be enough metal to re-thread.

Posts: 29 | Location: Milton, Ontario in Canada | Registered: May 23, 2006
The cover looks to be a very close match to the original IMO, but the diameter of the inside of it is a bit smaller than the tube on the case. Threading may not 100% match. But, with it being a bit smaller, that gives some room for me to get someone to tap the right thread into it, so this may just end up working!

Unfortunately still waiting on rest of parts (dial, hands, stem/crown). And no result from Perrins here for a possible mineral/glass crystal. Was waiting to hear back from them, as they thought they might have an idea.


Posts: 29 | Location: Milton, Ontario in Canada | Registered: May 23, 2006
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