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USAAF aircraft clock specifications "Click" to Login or Register 
There have many postings on this forum showing what is written on the back of US WWII aircraft clocks. I have been trying to locate the specifications for these clocks for some time.

The USAAF specifications are


More modern day specifications, from any of the services that I am seeking are as follows:


The USAAF specifications are not well documented anywhere I have found. The more modern day examples are referred in a number of places but because they have either been cancelled or made obsolete, the documents are not readily available.

Any clues as to who may have copies or location of archives that may have this information would be appreciated.


Posts: 58 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand | Registered: February 28, 2005
Life Achievement
Military Expert
Picture of Greg Crockett
Hello Craig,

Good question, I assume you are looking for the original contract specs. Have you tried the National Archives in Washington D.C.?

If you locate any information we would like to hear back from you.

Best regards,

Posts: 2026 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
Thank you for showing an interest in this subject. I am looking for the documents that are either the Military specificiation ( MSXXXX, ANXXXX etc) or the procurement specification ( MIL-C-XXXX etc ). Not having ever seen these specifications I do not know what form they take. If any one has any USSAF specifications on anything ( Maybe someone has the A-11 watch specification 94-27834 for example), I would like to at least see the front page.
The trouble with some archives is that you need to ask very specific questions. Most documents are catalogued by what is written in english on the first page, rather than what the numerical code or reference number the orginal publishers know the document as.
I will be posting a similiar request about RAF specifications shortly. I have just recieved copies of some RAF specification documents and this should keep me happy for a few weeks while I
research these further.
Posts: 58 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand | Registered: February 28, 2005
I asked Marvin Whitney about the original contracts at one time.He told me that they were at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH.
If they are still there is anyone's guess,but I wish someone near there would ask.
These contracts probably have some information we can use.
Good luck.
J Smith
Posts: 188 | Location: Warrenton, North Carolina U.S.A. | Registered: January 12, 2003
Here is a link to the Air Force Museum Research Department at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. I do not live near Ohio so I can not offer to go, but if there is someone who lives nearby, it sounds like the best way to proceed would be to make an appointment and go there and see what they have in their collections.

Air Force Museum Research Dept.
Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
Thank you for the link to the museum. I had had a look on the site.

This is the question and answer given on the page that covers my interest

· Can I order copies of technical information, manuals and reports?
No, unfortunately we are not equipped to provide the public with photocopy reproduction of archival documents maintained in the museum collection. For example, we are unable to provide copies of Aircraft Technical Orders, Technical Manuals, and Foreign Aircraft Evaluation Data. The only way to access this material is to schedule an appointment and visit the Research Division in person. In most cases, documents maintained by the USAF Museum Research Division are also made publicly available from the National Archives, The Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

You basicily have got to go there and have a specific question to ask. This is made clear else where on the page.

Has I live some 10000 Miles away it is a problem for me.

I had tried the Smithsonian but they claim only to give 15 minutes to your request whenever in the following months it comes up for answer.

I will keep looking.
Posts: 58 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand | Registered: February 28, 2005
IHC Life Member

Picture of Fred R. Hougham
Marvin Whitneys book has a good example of what the mil specs would look like beginning on page 91.
This is for aircraft clock # abu-9/a
mil spec is Mil-C-27298B(AS) and runs about 6 pages long. This spec is dated July 1980 and supercedes 27298A dated 1964. WWII specs would probably have the same format. There about 52 specific specifications and various line drawings.
Dont know if this helps any, but if it does I could provide copies of the pages.
Posts: 324 | Location: Daytona Beach, Florida USA | Registered: November 29, 2002
You are quite right, Mil-C-27298 is in Marvin's book. Bureau of Aeronautics specification SQ-87 is also published in full. I quess that's another one I can cross off my list now. The hunt continues.
Posts: 58 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand | Registered: February 28, 2005
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