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Clock belonging to the 5th Batt. Duke of Wellington's Regiment "Click" to Login or Register 
Clock belonging to the 5th Batt. Duke of Wellington's Regiment
I found this beautiful piece yesterday at a flea market in Germany (of all places)
I gave it a bit of wax,(but no more) as it probably hasn´t seen any since the Regt. disposed of it! (or lost it)
what do you think, should I polish the brass plates as it probably was, during its service time, or leave them as they are?
Interesting to note that the last engravement was done in 1939...Where has the plaque been since then?
Knowing the practiced tradition in an English Regiment, I am wondering how it got lost to the Regiment?
I unscrewed the dial to get the clockwork out and to my amazement it was an Astral clock made in Coventry , England.
Those of you familiar with Astral will know they went into recievership in 1931, and the remains were taken over by Smiths Clocks. So the clock must have been made before 1931!

My WWW collection is now complete, time to look for new ventures!
Posts: 699 | Location: Hannover in Germany | Registered: July 23, 2009
Administrative Assistant
Picture of Dr. Debbie Irvine

Very nice item Werner!

Thanks for sharing this unique item.


Posts: 5475 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
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