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RAF MK I Aircraft Clocks "Click" to Login or Register 
Good Day, I believe the RAF MK I aircraft clock is very rare. Very few were made, and even fewer survived WWII. The sole maker is believed to be T & F Mercer. I acquired a T & F Mercer MK I (Serial No 327/40) twenty plus years ago. Some years later, I acquired a second MK I, this one made by H.HUGHES & SON, (Serial No 179).

I have never seen another H.HUGHES MK I, and wonder if anyone else has?

I have tried to attach a photo of both clocks to this note, without success. Best Regards, Robert Skinner England.

Posts: 5 | Location: Hampshire in the United Kingdom | Registered: December 01, 2020
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Posts: 5424 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
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Robert Skinner posted December 26, 2020 12:10

"Further to my recent post. I hope to attach a photo of both RAF MK I's. On the left is, "REF No. 6A433 Serial No.327/40 T&F Mercer St Albans CLOCK MKI" with AM and a Crown on the back of the case. On the right is, "Ref No 6A433 Serial No.179 H.Hughes & Son Ltd London. CLOCK MKI" with AM and a Crown on the hinged bezel. Regards Robert Skinner in England."

[Robert's image attached below]

Posts: 5424 | Location: Northern Ohio in the U.S.A. | Registered: December 04, 2002
IHC Member 1892
Hi Robert: Thank you for posting these pictures of your MK 1's. I know very little about these clocks however I have owened a Mark V and a Mark IV-A pilot watch. Can you explain to me the different applications for these clocks/watches. Thanks
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Hello John, Sorry, but I know nothing about the Mark V other than I think it was a Royal Flying Corps watch from WWI? The RAF MK I aircraft clock dates from the late 1930's just before WWII. Very few were made, and even fewer survived WWII. The sole maker is widely believed to be T & F Mercer. I acquired a T & F Mercer MK I (Serial No 327/40) twenty plus years ago. Some years later, I acquired a second MK I, this one made by H.HUGHES & SON, (Serial No 179). I have never seen another H.HUGHES MK I, and wonder if anyone else has? The MK I is believed to been used in pre WW II Short Singapore and Supermarine Stranraer Flying Boats, and in some early Mk I Sunderland Flying Boats. It is believed to be the only aircraft clock that required a separate winding key. The clocks were wound, and the time set by the ground staff before a flight. Best Regards Robert in England.
Posts: 5 | Location: Hampshire in the United Kingdom | Registered: December 01, 2020
Hello John, Regarding your MARK V, if you can look back to past posts from Grant Perry, Gregg Crocket and Ben Roberts, dated OCT 2005, there is a discussion on the Mark V. In the posts, mentioned is page 30 of a book by Z M Wesolowski, which features the Mk V. Hope this helps. Regards Robert.
Posts: 5 | Location: Hampshire in the United Kingdom | Registered: December 01, 2020
IHC Member 1892
HI Robert> Thank you for your reply. I am somewhat familiar with the MK V (I think my Mk V is somewhere in Greg Crocker's post). I was inquiring about the usage of the Mk 1 which you have adequately answered. Thank you and Happy New Year, John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
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