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Vacheron, Corps of Engineers "Click" to Login or Register 
Posts: 285 | Location: Rome, Italy | Registered: May 19, 2005
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Picture of Greg Crockett
Well, I suppose if one already has an empty case. And, the dial looks good.
Posts: 2014 | Location: East Lansing, Michigan USA | Registered: November 24, 2002
The third photo shows the dial to have quite a few cracks, but overall it seems to be reasonably attractive. Too bad about it not having its case. I'm one of those people who see military watches as historical objects that would have stories to tell if they could speak, rather than straight horological specimens where the originality of the parts to the given watch is not of highest importance so long as they are correct for the type and model.
Posts: 873 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
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