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John Bennett, Tonbridge Wells. Fusee Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 1892
Need some HELP with this one. I have been working on this clock for some time and have finally come to the dial. It has been through a fire a some time and the dial has a lot of smoke damage, as well the dial shows a lot of cracking around were the dial posts attach to the dial. It has lost but one flake but is in danger of loosing more. I need the services of someone who could do a conservative job of stabalizing, cleaning and touching up the paint. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I would like to do a little better writeup with a few more pics at a later date. It is a fusee clock with the Dial marked: John Bennett, Tonbridge Wells. I have not been able to ID the maker and some people I have have contacted appeared confused by the name being associated to this area. If anyone has a dial marked like this or a clock with John Bennett on it I would like to hear from you. Thanks

Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Tonbridge Wells is a small town in the UK. A few miles from tunbridge wells.
It could be a different place as I know that quite often names were transferred to North America from the UK way back.
Don't know whether that info helps you.
Posts: 575 | Location: Walsall in the United Kingdom | Registered: December 19, 2013
IHC Member 1892
Hi Mike. Thanks for the input. I feel certain that this is an English clock and in fact came from the Tonbridge Wells that is near London. I have connected with couple of people (one being a descendant of Sir John Bennett) another person from tunbridge wells. I got a bit of history lesson re. Ton vs tun but not much help about which John Bennett made my clock, Would appear there were at least three John Bennetts around London and area about the time I think this was made ( I think 1825-50 based on construction of case). Case is solid mahogany with some flame veneer on front It is an Eight sided wall clock
There was Sir John and before him his father and grandfather. As I understand Sir John was more of a merchant than a maker and probably a little late for this clock. The other two I dont know about. I am not so good on the geneology. Hopefully somebody out there can help me out.
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
Good Morning John,There is a dial restorer here in Georgia that does awesome work.

The person to contact is Martha Smallwood:

The Dial House
3971 Buchanan Highway
Dallas, Georgia

Phone: 770-445-2877


When I was restoring clocks she did several for me4 and does excellent work at reasonable price.Regards.Norm
Posts: 484 | Location: Georgia in the United States | Registered: August 04, 2010
IHC Member 1892
Thank you Norm. I will check it out, John
Posts: 361 | Location: Kincardine, Ontario in Canada | Registered: November 25, 2013
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