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Bronze Bust of Mozart clock by A. Carrier "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jim Walz
My dad has many fine clocks and I was hoping someone could help me with this one. This is a French clock in a marble base this much I know. What I am unsure of is the Bronze bust on top. Can anyone confirm or deny this is Mozart. This is a sculpture and not a casting and was done by a man named A. Carrier. I am having difficulty finding information on this clock and the sculpter. The bust is 17 inches tall and 18 pounds. Dad would like to sell this clock someday and would like to have any information he could. I thank you in advance.

Posts: 427 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: April 07, 2003
Picture of Jim Walz
2nd image

Posts: 427 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: April 07, 2003
Picture of Jim Walz
3rd image

Posts: 427 | Location: Lincoln, Nebraska in the USA | Registered: April 07, 2003
Interesting clock, looks to be very old to me.
I do not know if it is Mozart.Maybe someone could do a serch on the name that is engraved on it?maybe that would help.
Posts: 2133 | Registered: June 01, 2003
IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
...Jim, the statue doesn't resemble any representation of Mozart that I've ever seen and I'm a big fan of the 'maestro'...to me it looks more like a bust of Chopin attached...

Posts: 872 | Location: Kingsville, Ontario, Canada | Registered: April 16, 2003
Picture of Andy Krietzer
I saw a little about the artist for the bronze on the clock above, it said this:

signed A.Carrier Belleuse 1824-1887

Here is a link you might want to see:

This is a bronze of Chopin, by a different sculpter.

bronze chopin
Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Andy Krietzer
Here is a bronze of Mozart from the same website as the one I posted above.

Mozart bronze
Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
Very interesting clock. I know little about French clocks, but await the info from those that do.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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