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Doesn't Look Right....But is.. "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Tom Seymour
Have you ever noticed that some things just don't look right, even though they are. Here is one example. In nearly all clocks the pendulum is directly in line with the verge. On this type morbier movement this is not the case.


Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Andy Krietzer
Don't some of the Ansonia (and other) statue clocks also have a pendulum that is offset? I think some early Eli Terry clocks have the pendulum off to one side.

What does the case of the one you show look like?

Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
Andy, I don't think Terry made any, but Seth Thomas, who learned how to make the wood movement and pillar and scroll case while working for Eli Terry, started his own shop and moved the verge to the side of the escape wheel to avoid patent infringements. It didn't work, he wound up in court anyway, but the results can be seen in this off center Pillar and Scroll.

The case for the one above is not available for photographing, but looks like a typical morbier case. I will try to find a picture of a similar one.


Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002

A lot of 'kitchen' clocks are not quite in line, but not nearly as far out as this one (only about 1/4" or so). I would think it would create a lot of motion at the crutch to pendulum interface. That would mean excess friction too. The mainsprings look really large. Perhaps to overcome this friction?
Posts: 179 | Location: Charlotte, Michigan U.S.A. | Registered: March 31, 2004
Picture of Tom Seymour
The pendulum is hanging straight. There is a "link arm" connecting the pendulum rod to the rod coming from the verge. So the whole thing looks sort of "H" shaped.

I do not have access to the movement to get a better picture.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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