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Garrard 8 day clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Hello All,
I have an 8 day Garrard wall clock that needs some attention. To start with it has a paper face which I am guessing is a replacement and which has been put on pretty poorly as there are creases in it (it's also very balnd looking). I would like to replace it with an original looking one but can't find any pictures of what it would look like. Ideally I'd paint it onto the metal face underneath, but don't want to rip off the paper one until I have an image of what I will replace it with.
Secondly it slows down towards day 5 and so I reckon needs a new spring. Any idea where I can source one from?

Thanks in anticipation.
Rob C
Posts: 2 | Location: Sheffield in the United Kingdom | Registered: November 16, 2008
Welcome to IHC Rob, I see you're from our old City.

For the spring, try Meadows & Passmore & H.S.Walch, put them into Google and it should bring up their sites.
Think one of them uses www.clockspares.com

There is also a supplier in Bradford, A.G.Thomas who may also stock them.

One of the above suppliers has an on-line catalogue listing all sizes, so if you go visit armed with the depth & thickness of the spring plus the internal diameter of the barrel, you should get fixed up for around a tenner including shipping.

I've seen dials for these on eBay, so worth running a search for them.

Best regards

Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
Thanks John,
All looks like valuable info. and a good place to start. Web sites look good to help me out. Clock has finally stopped ticking so here we go.
Rob C
Posts: 2 | Location: Sheffield in the United Kingdom | Registered: November 16, 2008
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Picture of Tom Brown
Welcome to the site. If possible we all enjoy seeing photos of these things so if you have the time I would like to see a photo or two.

Posts: 5107 | Location: New Mexico in the USA | Registered: January 27, 2007
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