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HELP, I need a quartz movement "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 250
Picture of Sam Hansen

I need a quartz clock movement with pendulem that goes into a schoolhouse type clock and the problem I'm having is that any movements that I have found are too short by shaft length. I think a 3 inch shaft length would work but the best I have found is a 2 and 1/4 inch lenght. Can anyone advise where I would find such a movement? Many thanks! My email is gold2you@aol.com
Posts: 425 | Location: Washington State, Northwest USA | Registered: May 13, 2003
Hi Sam,
Which shaft needs to be 3" the hand shaft or the pendulum rod?

Posts: 450 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A. | Registered: October 10, 2004
IHC Member 163
Picture of Mark Cross
I have found and purchased both short AND long shaft pendent quartz movements at, of all places, Wal-Mart (if you have them over there). They're back in the craft section.

I'm going to Wally world tonight on another 'mission'. Do you want me to take a look and see if they still have them?

Regards! Mark
Posts: 3838 | Location: Estill Springs, Tennessee, USA | Registered: December 02, 2002
<Guy Smith>
Check out lee valley. they have a number of quartz movements, perhaps there is something there that you could use.

Another ide would be to try lengthening the shaft. since the pendulum is purely decorative in this instace you might be able to do something creative
IHC Member 250
Picture of Sam Hansen
Greetings to all, my computer crashed therefore I could'nt respond here but I want to thank everyone for the input.... Mark, I will check Wal Mart and see what they have....Joseph, the hand shaft has to be 3 inches.....and Guy, I'm not sure just how to lengthen the shaft but will take a look at one of the movements that I have already purchased that is too short. Sam
Posts: 425 | Location: Washington State, Northwest USA | Registered: May 13, 2003
Sam, have you thought about using a dial nut to fasten the movement to the dial? I think many quartz movements have a threaded piece on the front that fits through the dial hole and can be secured from the front with a dial nut. I cobbled up a case and dial that had a bad 30-day movement in it to use a quartz Westminster chime movement I had, The hand shaft on the quartz movement was too long to attach directly to the back of the dial without sticking out too far in front of the dial, so I put in some spacers to take up about abount an inch of the shaft tightened the dial nut, attached to dial back to the case and put on the pendulum. It has been running in my basement bathroom for a long time; the chime function quick operating a long time ago. One of these days I will haul it to the dump or put it in some stuff for Goodwill etc.
Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
IHC Member 250
Picture of Sam Hansen
Thanks for the input John, Here's my problem...in order to get the pendulum to clear the case, I need to have a hand shaft that is about 3 inches in length. So far all the movements I have tried fit too far into the case at the dial and that wont allow the pendulum to swing without hitting the inside of the case. This clock had a quartz movement with chime but I can not find that movement again. I would rather replace the movmement with a non-chiming movmement. Sam
Posts: 425 | Location: Washington State, Northwest USA | Registered: May 13, 2003
<Guy Smith>
Sam, try threading the botton half inch or so of the pendulun shaft and then tapping an equal amount into a brass rod. turn the brass rod to suit your design and asemble
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