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WHAT DO YOU GUYS COLLECT AND WHY? I'm a fish out of water here, but in the PW area I collect Illinois/Hamilton mostly. What's your reasons? I could be a new collector what do you recommend? What's the best bang for the buck in American clocks?

If you came to the watch section I'd be telling you Illinois first and defend it. Everyone has their taste and opinions what's yours. I NEED TO KNOW!


Posts: 175 | Location: Claremore, Oklahoma USA | Registered: January 03, 2003
IHC Member 43
I started collecting clocks about 25 years ago when a friend gave me an Ingraham tambour mantle clock that didn't work. I fixed it and that started the dreaded "disease". At first I bought every clock I could lay my hands on that was in my price range(which was almost next to nothing). Consequently I ended up with all kinds of clocks, mostly which needed repair. I learned alot about fixing them, and now I just collect what I like. I bought a bunch of black mantles, 400 day, Lux and Keebler pendulettes, and other misc. It doesn't really mean any specific type. I kinda like clocks that are a little weird. Recently I have been buying some Tiffany Neverwinds, Crystal Regulators, a gravity clock, and some Iron Fronts. I had absolutly no interest in pocket watches and other watches before, but since joining the IHC I have been reading posts on the pocket watch section and have been looking seriously at some pocket watches. I recently bought a 492B and some nondescript Walthams and Elgins. And as I like the strange stuff, I have been looking at some old keywind English and Swiss, most of them are in my price range and fairly cheap. I am going to try to learn to fix the watches also. It keeps me out of the tavern.......

Posts: 255 | Location: Ashland, Wisconsin U.S.A. | Registered: November 22, 2002
IHC Member 43
Oops, I meant 992B

Posts: 255 | Location: Ashland, Wisconsin U.S.A. | Registered: November 22, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
Curly, Your story sounds familiar. I had little interest in watches until I got involved with this crowd. I have since bought 2 watches - a 992B (learning expeerience) and a Lady Hamilton (22j). Only fleeting thoughts about taking a watch apart - who knows. Clock repair was good "therapy" after a day of teaching 4th graders.

Nice to have you aboard!

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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