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Wurthner 400 Day Moon Dial Info Wanted "Click" to Login or Register 
<Mort Denison>
posted July 07, 2006 16:42
I've got this topic posted in the 'other' group but it hasn't generated many responses, so I'll give it a go here.

I just got a Wurthner 400 Day Moon Dial clock. There doesn't seem to be much information on the web about this one. Nor could I find any eBay auction so I could determine an approximate value.

The dial is in nice shape, as well as the pillers and pendulem. The base is very tarnished and most of the deep blue paint is gone.

I've repolished other all brass bases with good luck, although not able to relacquer them. They then need repolished every couple of years.

Should I polish the base and repaint this one, or leave it alone? I haven't decided whether or not to keep it as yet so I don't want to diminish the value.

I've ordered a suspension unit for it. It appears to take a No. 26 suspension unit but Timesavers, LaRose and Merritts don't have this number. LaRose shows that a 6789 unit works and that's what I ordered. Timesavers and Merritts disagree in their catalog. I emailed Horolovar but no reply. The 10th edition doesn't mention the 6789.

I am curious if there's enough oomph for the moon dial to reliably work. I know it doesn't take much to keep a regular one from working.

Picture of Tom Seymour
posted July 07, 2006 18:34
The best place for parts and information is Horolovar. Bill Ellison is a great guy and has maintained the quality of the Horolovar line from its founder Charles Terwilliger. Not all units, from other sources, are of the same high quality.

I believe his email is: horolovar@juno.com

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Andy Krietzer
posted July 08, 2006 17:43
Hi Again Mort, didn't know you were here too! A lot of people say they don't get an email response from the Ellisons, so it's best to call.


So many clocks, so little time.

Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
posted July 08, 2006 18:41
I think Andy is right. Bill is a great guy, but not really into computers. I don't think there is a Horolovar website. Still the best source for 400 clocks.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
<Mort Denison>
posted July 08, 2006 18:46
Folks - I got the 6789 suspension unit from LaRose today. It appears to be the correct one. I'll have to clean up everything before I check it out in operation.
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