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Jagemann - Munchen "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Jerry Treiman
I have acquired this clock and am trying to verify the age of the brasswork on the front. The brass is acid etched with floral patterns, birds and an angel (?) as well as the words "Komt Zeit Komt Rath". Black paint or enamel remains in the wording and some colored paint remains in a few other places. The left leg is signed "J (or F?) Jagemann" and the right leg is signed "Munchen". Doing a Google search I was able to find a CLOCK with a brass face also signed the same way and the clock, by Thomas Theodor Heine, was given a date of around 1897. Has anyone else come across brass dials signed by Jagemann or know anything else about him? [The mechanism in mine is a Waltham keywind watch movement from around 1870].

Posts: 1455 | Location: Los Angeles, California USA | Registered: January 14, 2003
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