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Stratfort Water Clock "Click" to Login or Register 
Stratford Water Clock is it real or fake??
As one looks for horologycal treasures we must be always on the alert for fakes that are sold as originals. Now in this particular case I did not even ask whether or not this clock was a fake because I was really convinced that it was the real thing. We have to keep our emotions in check and use our head and just use the facts. But I did not have one like it and if it turns out to be fake at least it is a very interesting fake plus that makes it less painful. Everyone is allowed at least one mistake just get over it and have fun.
Stratford Clock
Posts: 21 | Location: Denver, Colorado in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2009
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
Wow! what a fantastic Clock!!!

Of course, I have no idea if it's authentic or not, but it sure looks like a gem to me.

I love clocks, have a couple, but don't really collect them.

Yours sure looks to be authentic to me, however the pictures are so large, I found it hard to look at them. the last photo is great, and shows how really wonderful it is.

I'm going to see if I can find anything on the name listed, and will let you know if I find anything.

Congratulations for a wonderful find!

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Thank you for your comments. This clock is certainly different and unusual but is it real?
I actually never showed the actual clock to anyone and the person that thought it was a copy of an original based his opinion on viewing the picture only.
Posts: 21 | Location: Denver, Colorado in the USA | Registered: March 18, 2009
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