Internet Horology Club 185
'The Clock' has found a new home.......

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April 10, 2003, 19:15
James R. Hurst
'The Clock' has found a new home.......
Yes, son Jim, did get the c;ock back home in Ga. He has it up and running. To all those that offered help, and especill Lindell, let me say thanks for both me and my son. I don't think it will be moved again right away. Thank you. #158

James R. Hurst
April 10, 2003, 21:15
Lindell V. Riddle

We were all immensely proud to help, we call that "The Spirit of Chapter 185" and its a big part of our members. Ged's suggestion on winding the clock and placing tape over the wound cables is advice well-taken.

For those coming in late, read over these three previous threads of this "Family Clock Story" on our Site...

Along with...

And then most recently...

By the way I heard back from Jim and we'll be following up so he can become a Chapter 185 Member as well.

Our Best to You and Yours,

