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Calling all you experts -Interesting Americam clock with barometer "Click" to Login or Register 
Here is what I consider to be an interesting american clock which I am restoring for a customer.

The clock has a nicely engraved barometer dial. The barometer mercury tube runs the length of the clock and is fitted just behind the dial.

I have tried to identify the age and make of the clock in the american clock books that I have but I have not found a similar example.

Equally I have not come across a similar example here in the UK in all the time I've been dealing in clocks which is over 30 years.

That said they are probably commonplace in the States!

Grateful for any info.

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
Here is a picture of the engraved barometer dial

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
Here is the restored movement

Posts: 264 | Location: Westbrook, United Kingdom | Registered: June 15, 2007
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