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Unknown Pendulum "Click" to Login or Register 
Does anyone recognize the pictured pendulum? I found it in a box of parts that my father in law accumulated during the 60s and early 70s.
The rod is identicle to the oval rods used in American kitchen clocks. The bob is cast brass not pot metal as is usual with these clocks.

Thanks for looking,


Posts: 450 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A. | Registered: October 10, 2004

The pendulum is an E.N. Welch product. It was used on a special order clock called the "Lakeside" and made specificly for Baird & Dillon" located at 141-143 Wabash Ave.Chicago The clock and pendulum are shown in Tran Duy Ly,s Welch book on pages 126 and 261.
Posts: 25 | Location: Centereach, New York, USA | Registered: May 18, 2003
Please pardon my manners. I should have answered sooner.
Thank you very much for the reply.
My father in law was an avid collector and repairman but passed away about 25 years ago. This pendulum was in a box that has been in storage since then.

Thanks again,
Posts: 450 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri U.S.A. | Registered: October 10, 2004

I have the same pendulum also, I think that maybe people came across these clocks and not being able to figure out the pendulums may have removed them and replaced with a standard Welch pendulum.
Posts: 25 | Location: Centereach, New York, USA | Registered: May 18, 2003
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