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Picture of Sheila Gilbert
I have been looking over clocks on ebay and I found an item (a part) with a CLOVER mark on it, with no name for the clock. I have never heard of it, so I thought I would ask.

Can someone tell me who made it? Sorry about this being the only information about it, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Andy Krietzer
Hey Sheila,
Maybe a picture would stir someone's memory?


So many clocks, so little time.

Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
OOPS......... I thought I had posted the URL sorry.

I had never even heard of a clover on a clock before, so I wondered.
It's really hard to see, but notice where the 4 is and over and under it looks like marks but you really can't tell much.

I just thought the pendulum looked nice.
kinda different. Has 13 bids now! someone must know what it is.



Pendulum clover
Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


Pendulum clover2
Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
It may be a pendulum for a French column clock, it looks as ornate as some of them are. It's definitely not a pendulum for a "grandfather" full aize, definitely too short.
Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
Picture of Greg Reeves
As John states it is from a French "column" clock otherwise known as a "portico" or refered to as French Empire.


Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Picture of Sheila Gilbert


I had no idea what it was attached to, just curious about the nice pendulum and the marks.

I love that clock! Gorgeous!

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Greg Reeves
LOL! Read the above post before this one...sorry about that.

yes, it is mine. I have another that is dark Brazilian Rosewood that I'm working on. It needs a movement and pendulum. Either of the two pendulums on the left are what I'm considering:

Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Picture of Greg Reeves
this is the clock. The molding on top and bottom were painted white as well as the legs. I'm restoring them to the original dark, almost black color.

Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
Fabulous clocks Greg, I love those Portico clocks but they fetch so much money even in France.

I tried to buy a gorgeous white marble Portico a few years ago from an antique centre in Angoulemme (SW France), the owner wouldn't budge a centime below 900 Euros (around $1300.USD), so had to pass on it, too rich for me!


For timekeeping I'd go for the Grid iron pendulum, and for 'pretty' I'd go for the ornate version - which would be my personal choice and put up with wayward accuracy.
Posts: 1282 | Location: Northern England, United Kingdom | Registered: January 07, 2006
Picture of Sheila Gilbert
I just can't get over how much I like this clock.

I think it's gorgeous, but then again, I have had my eye one a lot of them lately. I can't believe how many I have gotten to like. I used to only like a Deco clock, got kinda stuck on that shape and since I liked Deco anyway, I guess I got stuck on it. I still love them, but I sure have developed an eye for all sorts of clocks.

Thank you for sharing your pictures, I like both pendulums, I would be hard pressed to have to pick one of them. Good luck!

Posts: 3094 | Location: La Plata, Maryland U.S.A. | Registered: May 22, 2004
Picture of Greg Reeves
I don't know if this is appropriate. I certainly did not post the photo for any other reason than to show an example. The first one is for sale. Just in case anyone is interested.

Posts: 497 | Location: Genoa, New York U.S.A. | Registered: November 06, 2003
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