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Another Black Forest Automaton "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Justin J. Miller
If the Dumpling eater in my last post was of interest to you, this should also be your "cup of tea"

It is another Black Forest Figural automaton.

This model is the Magician. On the hour and half hour (or on demand) he puts on a “show” he is a very busy man…

He raises his arms to show the table is clear…

He then lowers them and raises them again to show that “tricks” have magically appeared!

He lowers them again … he continues this several times… during the course of the “show” the tricks change places… change altogether and finally disappear!

Once again he is carved out of wood and hollowed out. The table contains a separate mechanism inside; the clock works activates this mechanism to control the “tricks”.

The clock is unsigned but made in the Black Forest around 1880.

This example is one of the "harder to locate" of the figural automatons.

Others examples made were: "Dumpling Eater", "Knife Sharpener", King Drinker, "Shaving Monkey" and ???

If anyone has any questions about the function or ??? I would be happy to explain.

If you have any Black Forest clocks,any kind, please post them...

Posts: 44 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: February 11, 2005
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