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Brass Cleaner For Tarnished Weights And Bob? "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Mark Nathanson
I have some brass weights that are tarnished, Also some bobs that need a shine. What is the best and easiest brass cleaner to use? Advice appreciated, thanks.
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
Simochrome,that stuff will bring any brass object back to life.It's made in Germany and available through any of the supply houses.Leaves no residue either.Buy the can rather than the tube,it'll last you forever.
Respectfully,Bob Fullerton
Posts: 181 | Location: New Castle, Delaware U.S.A. | Registered: December 15, 2004
Picture of Tom Seymour
NEVER DULL also works very well.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
I like TarnishShield, a 3M product. It doesn't require as much rubbing as some of the other cleaner/polishers out there. Use it with a soft cloth and rub all over, let dry to a haze, rinse off with a wet cloth and polish with a dry cloth. I have used it on my two brass beds for several years and a good cleaning with it will keep the brass shining for a year or more. It is (or was) available from LaRose. It certainy makes less of a mess than Brasso.
Posts: 676 | Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
First, you need to remove any lacquers or coating still left on the shells. Acetone or MEK does that nicely. Than as these folks said, any good polish works fine. You can then coat the pieces with a good car wax, and that will slow down the aging of the shine.
Posts: 131 | Location: Houston, Texas USA | Registered: February 12, 2003
Picture of Mark Nathanson
Thanks. I have neverdull, use for watches. It leaves a reasy film on metal. It works great, but fro brass?
Posts: 206 | Location: Northern New York USA | Registered: January 06, 2006
Picture of Tom Seymour
I use neverdull on brass frequently. I always wash with Simple Green after most cleaners, including Never Dull.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
If you would prefer to coat polished pieces with lacquer, a good product is made by Mohawk. Spray can, P/N M103-0500. They have distributors in most major cities. I think they have a web site.
Posts: 311 | Location: Berthoud, Colorado USA | Registered: December 08, 2002
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