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Tom Moberg Glass Restorations "Click" to Login or Register 
The latest bulletin has three clocks on the cover, and notes on the 3rd page that say the glasses were restored by T. Moberg. Does anyone have any information about this restorer? My latest clock, E.N. Welch Beehive,ca.1880, has MOBERG printed on the inside of the glass. The painting does look similar to the glasses in the bulletin, so I'm curious to find out anything I can.

Thanks for any help.
Posts: 18 | Location: Maplewood, New Jersey U.S.A. | Registered: February 01, 2005
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A quick web search turned up numerous references to Tom Moberg, who apparently is well-known for his historically accurate restoration work in antique clocks. Here is one example:

Click here to view clock listings referencing Tom Moberg

A more diligent search might turn up a Tom Moberg website or perhaps the author of one of the many listings would know how to get in touch with him.

Best Regards,

Posts: 6696 | Location: Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: April 19, 2004

Thanks so much for the information. I really enjoyed looking at the clocks in your collection and reading the details about them.

Posts: 18 | Location: Maplewood, New Jersey U.S.A. | Registered: February 01, 2005
I believe Tom Moberg a member, I see him about every year at the Southern Ohio Regional. He lives in Michigan and is very well known and respected for his work. His work is first class. He has restored 5 or 6 glasses for me over the years. If you need his address, you can contact me at dbphelps@bluegrassbenefits.com and I will get it for you.

Posts: 172 | Location: Lexington, Kentucky U.S.A. | Registered: July 06, 2004
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Jan and Tom Moberg are members from Michigan. In fact their work was proudly featured in the exhibit last fall at the Great Lakes Regional in Dearborn, Michigan.

Glass painters extrordinaire, Jan and Tom Moberg...

Posts: 10553 | Location: Northeastern Ohio in the USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Lindell and Derek,

Thanks so much for the information. I did a search and did find some additional information. Thanks again for your help.
Posts: 18 | Location: Maplewood, New Jersey U.S.A. | Registered: February 01, 2005
Hello Michael,

Tom Moberg mostly paints new glasses rather than restore. If the glass is signed by him it might be a new replacement rather than a restoration. He does a very nice job, and is always very busy.

Andy Dervan
Posts: 53 | Location: Grosse Pointe, Michigan USA | Registered: March 07, 2004

I think you're right. It probably is new. I bought this clock at a Mark of Time auction via the Internet. I had been looking for a beehive, and the glass of this clock caught me eye.


Posts: 18 | Location: Maplewood, New Jersey U.S.A. | Registered: February 01, 2005
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