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Marking Time!! "Click" to Login or Register 
Picture of Tom Seymour
Most of us are familiar with the huge timeclocks that we see in the books and at regional and antique shops.

This is an example of a small clock adapted to rubber stamp the time. Note on the bottom, the moveable arrows for the hours and the minutes.

I would like to see other examples of clocks adapted for the recording of time.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
The back of the clock.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
The bottom of the clock. Note the arrow head for the hours and the smaller arrow for the minutes.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
On the inside.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
Maker's mark

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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