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Ansonia Diana Swinging Clock Info Needed "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 2134
I just got an Ansonia Diana Swinging clock.

It needs some work but I have a question about the pivot arm where the swinging arm movement hangs.

The pivot arm is a triangular bar with a small ball on the end. I imagine the small ball is to keep the swinger from falling off.

My movement swings and rotates laterally on the pivot arm so the movement stops swinging quickly. The suspension looks identical with another replacement complete, reproduction, statue I have.

If anyone has one of these statues, I'd appreciate a closeup picture of the pivot arm so I can see what I might need to do.

Appreciate it.

Mort Denison
Posts: 175 | Location: York, Pennsylvania in the USA | Registered: February 27, 2016
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