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Electric Wall Clock (photo posted) "Click" to Login or Register 
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Hi All

I have a chance to purchase an electric wall clock. The clock was part of a system of clocks that were controlled by a master station. The master station controlled setting the time for the entire system. My question is that the clock will run, but how do I set the time without the master station controller? Any help would be great...

I am would like to purchase the clock, but if I can not set the clock I think I will pass on it.


Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 48
Picture of Keith Klimkowicz
Well I could not resist.

It is 15.5" dia.

The tag on the back states it was shipped to "Durkeee Elec. Co. Rocky River, Ohio" sold by Maclaren, dated Aug 7, 1930. Clock maker Internaational Business Machines Corp.

A quick search on Goggle and blow me away, "Internaational Business Machines Corp." is IBM...

Posts: 856 | Location: North Ridgeville, Ohio USA | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Dave Turner
Nice looking clock! The only thing I can tell you is... I bought one at a yard sale, plugged it in and the hands quickly moved around the dial to some preset time. And there was no way to set the clock. Good luck. Let us know.

Dave Turner
Posts: 1979 | Location: Wilson, North Carolina in the USA | Registered: November 15, 2011
I think you will have to have a "Master Clock"to power your "Slave "clock.The slaves are all wired to the master in order to keep time.Google Wiki-Pedia,master and slave clocks.They can explain it better than I can.Regards.Norm
Posts: 484 | Location: Georgia in the United States | Registered: August 04, 2010
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