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Early Gustav Becker 2 wht. "Click" to Login or Register 
Vienna Regulators
IHC Member 313
The 2 wght,8 day clock is a early Gustav Becker late 1840's. Serial number 831.To compare is a 1 wght.,30 day, Dachler case late 1830s by master Vienna maker Joh. Dobesch.Most vienna clock makers only made 100 to 250 clocks in there lifetime. In the first 10 years Gustav Becker made over over 1800 and in the 10 years made 15000 (total clocks made by 1925 was over 2 million).The first 15000 were wall regulators of the Vienna style. That is more then all the Vienna Regulators made in Vienna up to the mid 19th century.Note that the G.B. uses a very heavy weight as compared to the Vienna.(note in the early 1840's there was a fire in a industrial part of vienna and the tech. used was lost on how to make the proper hardness of brass for the plates after that date the weights on the Vienna made clocks also increased) It takes time to work a movement to run on a lite weight.Time is money and for every day use a little more weight adds less hassel for the owner and both clocks are very accurate.A very unusual feature is that the GB has maintaining power on a 2wht.GB at the time made one of the best 1 wght.also with maintaining power. The one wght. movement was made tell the early 20th century and is a copy of a vienna movement crossed with a german regulator movement.Notice the case is heavier then the Dachler case but the veneering, ebony inlay and stringing are a step beyond the Vienna case.

Posts: 287 | Location: Westlake, Ohio U.S.A. | Registered: January 11, 2004
Vienna Regulators
IHC Member 313

Posts: 287 | Location: Westlake, Ohio U.S.A. | Registered: January 11, 2004
Vienna Regulators
IHC Member 313
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Posts: 287 | Location: Westlake, Ohio U.S.A. | Registered: January 11, 2004
Picture of Tom Seymour
These Viennas are a special breed. The Joh. Dobesch is my personal idea of the best of the vienna styles. These are fabulous clocks, thanks for posting.

(I resized the pictures for better viewing.)

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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