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S. Smith and Sons, MA, Ltd. dating question "Click" to Login or Register 
Over the years I have noticed large numbers of old automobile clocks on Ebay and elsewhere that were made by Smith and Sons, MA, Ltd. I understand that the MA stands for Motor Accessories and that these were made by the Smith and Sons company that was established in 1914 by a renaming of the S. Smith and Son, Ltd. company that has its roots going back to 1851 with the watchmaker Samuel Smith.

I know that the S. Smith and Sons, MA, Ltd company went on to create additional divisions over the years to make wall clocks, aircraft and automobile instruments and other timepieces. I also know that they are the most prolific of all British timepiece manufacturing companies.

My question is about the automobile clocks and whether there is any way to date them by their serial numbers or their styles or the markings on them, or whatever? Is there a way to tell exact dates, or even approximate date ranges?

Many thanks for any information or advice you can offer.

Posts: 874 | Location: Baltimore, Maryland USA | Registered: September 20, 2004
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