Internet Horology Club 185

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September 09, 2003, 14:35
Mike Nardick
Check out the Clock Exhibit from the GLAR Wink

September 09, 2003, 15:15
Tom Seymour
Thanks for the link. Somebody put in a lot of time to photograph and set up the web page. Once done, hwoever, it can be enjoyed by many more than could see it in person.

Two of my favorite clocks were shown and one I never knew about. I have always had the Ithaca 3 1/2 Parlor on my want list, as well as the Belgrade. The OG Fashion, however, was aa complete surprise. I had neveer seen a double dial in an OG case.

Thanks again for the post.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC #41293
IHC #104
IHC Exec.V.P.
September 09, 2003, 16:19
Ged Pitchford
Hi again thanks Mike, I have a Bulle Early electric clock in a nice mahogany case with bevelled edge glass panel under the face so as you can see the pendulum and bar magnet. When I can I will post some more pic's of my modest collection Smile. regards . GED.
September 09, 2003, 18:08
Mike Nardick
Tom & All,
I believe it was put together by Mary Ann Wahlner's son, Very well done.