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Westclox "Click" to Login or Register 
Someone just gave me an old alarm clock. It is about three inches square, in a sort of art deco style case. It looks like chrome plated brass. On the botton is model 61 J. Case made in USA by Dura. Also stamped on the bottom is 406. The clock is very heavy for it's size. Anyone have any info on these clocks?
Posts: 767 | Location: Los Osos, California USA | Registered: December 12, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
I can pass on info about the company from Spittler and Bailey. A photo would help to get more specific info on your clock.

from Spittler and Bailey:

WESTCLOX: LaSalle, Ill.Athens, Ga. Ca. 1895 and continuing.

The Western /clock Mfg. Co. was reorginized in 1895 after purchase by W. Matiessen as the Western Clock Co (WESTCLOX) and introduced American "Vertical Lever Watches" for the pocket. In 1910, big Ben alarm time piecesintroduced. Baby Bens in 1915. Battery powered timepieces from 1921. alternating current electrics from 1930. In 1934 became part of General Time Instruments corp. Wristwatches from 1936 as well as timers. War (WWII) alarm clock of paper. Quartz watch production to Davenport, Iowa 1966.Operations at LaSalle ceased 1980 Operations at Athens, Ga. continuing as of 1999.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
One of WESTCLOX most popular items were the Big and Baby Bens.

Baby Ben models:

original 2-front legged nickel cased - 1915-1927, A&3A 1927-35; 61N 1935-39; 61R 1939-49; 61V 1949-56; 6Y 1956-64. Oval faced 1964

Big Ben models:

Original 2-front legged nickel case 1910-27; RD 1927 continuing. 69C 1939 continuing; 48D 1939. New oval form 1964.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Andy Krietzer

Do you have any information on a Westclox "Little Ben" model? I found one this summer, and have never seen another (but I haven't been looking all that close either). It is the next size smaller than the Baby Ben, but looks just like one of the newer style Baby Bens. It still has the model number sticker on it (but I don't have it here handy). It does have "made in USA" on it. It is white. I also have a few of the 1950s and newer Big Ben and Baby Bens, one with "Chime Alarm", and one is a "Repeater". I also have a Westclox in a semi-square case, about the size of a Baby Ben, but it only has Westclox on the dial.

I always liked the nearly silent ticking of the Baby Ben, since I am such a light sleeper.


Member of Chapters 168 and 185.
Posts: 1190 | Location: Indiana in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 25, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
I will look for info on "Little Ben". When I posted the picture above, I went searching for the book that is in the background and can't find it. It's one of those things that drives you nuts - more nuts. Roll Eyes

I will keep looking, it has to be here somewhere!!!

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Picture of Tom Seymour
No luck, yet, tracking down the 61J case.

It seems that "Little Ben" was an alarm clock model made from 1976 to 1980s.

HOWEVER: The Anual Sales Ledger of Westclox shows that in 1912 a "Little Ben" has a trademark #87,388. I could not find, nor could the source of this information, find any examples of a "Little Ben" alarm clock from that period, and theorize that the 1912 era Little Ben is a watch.

The search continues.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
Hi Andy,
Some information on the Little Ben can be found in a posting listed on another website:


I copy details of that posting shown below and I hope it provides you the information you are looking for.

Mun C.W.


Westclox "Little Ben"
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Westclox Clocks & History : One Thread Moderator: nospam@please.com


I have a westclox "little ben" alarm clock, but I can't seem to find any information on it. It has a style 8 body with a blue face. From the 70's?? Any information would greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-- Tammy Erickson (terickson00@yahoo.com), April 21, 2002
The "Little Ben" was made from 1976 until sometime in the early 1980's.

-- Bill Stoddard (bill@clockhistory.com), March 09, 2003.
Posts: 15 | Location: Republic of Singapore | Registered: October 13, 2003
Picture of Tom Seymour
Mung C.W.,
Thanks for the post. All the pieces are adding up.

Here is a page on the clockhistory site that refers to Dura cases that you mentioned. The site contains a good deal of information about WESTCLOX including the bits posted above from Mung and I.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
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