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Gustav Becker "Click" to Login or Register 
<Javier Sainz>
I have recently acquired a Gustav Becker "Vienna" clock in Madrid (Spain).
Serial Number 1198440

I would be interested to know the manufacturing year. It was declared rather vaguely as end of XIX century my impression it's rather 1910's.

What is the usual reference to establish dates?

Thanks for the help!

GB Vienna from Madrid
Picture of Tom Seymour
I found some variations of G.B. trade marks, but nothing about serial numbers. Even the reference for the trade marks dated them all from the same year (1850) to ___. Not much help in dating. Maybe someone out there has a source for serial numbers and related dates.

Nos. 148 - 152 are Gustav Becker trade marks.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.

[This message was edited by Tom Seymour on December 12, 2003 at 9:18.]

Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
<Javier Sainz>
Thanks Tom
The markings on the clock look like your 149 on the front.
And the 151 on the back including the medaille d'or marking.
Picture of Tom Seymour
I think your serial number puts it between 1892 and 1900. I got this info from this web page with Gustav Becker dates and serial numbers.
Hope this helps.

Tom Seymour
NAWCC# 41293
IHC Executive V.P.
Posts: 2537 | Location: Mount Angel, Oregon in the U.S.A. | Registered: November 19, 2002
IHC Member 234
Picture of Jim Cope
...a super-looking clock Javier!!!a real beauty!!!I've always enjoyed working on GB movements they are a treat!...all the best w/it...Jim
Posts: 872 | Location: Kingsville, Ontario, Canada | Registered: April 16, 2003
<Javier Sainz>
Thanks Jim for your comments.

I was really aiming for the earlier, less baroque vienna clocks but it turns out the ones available are really out of my budget.
Then I came into this one at a fair.
I agree, it is really a beauty.

<Javier Sainz>
Thank you for the information. It was very helpful and exactly to the point.

Regards Javier
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